After driving my little sis to meet her dad, I started to moan to mum about getting a Macdo's..!
I knew exactly where the service station was and knew how much time I had to moan about it...this makes me sound awful!!! Also, as I am a student I can get a free cheeseburger or McFlurry with every meal I buy so I knew that that would tempt mum more and it worked...she didn't say she would take me but she started to slow down near the turning!
It was then really busy and she was tempted to turn back onto the main road but I convinced her not to.

Now... we finally got through the drive-thru and instead of a real person it was one of the talky box things...Mum asked me to lean over her to order as she wasn't really sure of what I wanted but the dude couldn't hear me so she had to do it. So mum ordered what I wanted - A sweet Chilli Chicken Deli meal with a strawberry milkshake...then they said they didn't have any milkshake so I ordered a Fanta instead... She then ordered the "Free NUS cheeseburger" (NUS is the card I can use as a student to get discounts in some places) So the dude goes "3 cheeseburgers?" and mum goes "No the FREE cheeseburger" but again he says 3 so mum gets a bit irratated and says "NO the F-R-E-E cheeseburger!" (In England, sadly we get people who can't speak properly and say F instead of mum is not one of those people!)

So he tells me the price which is a bit above usual but we had to drive to the next bit so I paid. We then got to the next window and the girl gives us a massive bag...mum drives forward as it's busy and I open the bag and see...3 FREAKIN CHEESEBURGERS!!!! So he must have given me one for free and made me pay for two...I was angry! By this time I'd also opened the glove box and rested my drink in the shallow cup-holder... I need to add here that we were in my mum's partner's car... So then I'm angry about the burgers and then as mum pulls out of the McDo's...THE DRINK SPILLS EVERYWHERE!!!!! I was so annoyed but it was hilarious at the same time...Not only did they get my order wrong - I spilled ALL of my Fanta over the car and my feet (I was only wearing flip-flops..!) So it was very amusing and we haven't told Mum's partner as he will freak as his is ocd about cleaning!
And tomorrow is the Royal Wedding!
I wasn't bothered by it until this past week where me and mum have been watching loads of crap documentaries about Wills and Kate! We've even put flags up outside the house!
And we will be up at 8 to watch it from the beginning! So sad..but it will be a massive part of our history if they do get to become King and Queen - Grandpa W reckons they'll be divorced by next year!
There is also an interesting Drinking Game on Facebook which would be a laugh to do with mum! So I probably won't be able to blog tomorrow ;) ( I am of age by two years in england!)
Have a good day tomorrow whatever you do! =D