Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Shawshank Redemption

So... Yesterday I finished watching Shawshank and I did really enjoy it. I like the story but Stacey and me were wondering why everyone was so shocked that I hadn't seen it as, although it's a great film...it's not like an amazing new thing for films or anything...like I said I think it's just because of the great story.

*SPOILER ALERT* (Even though I probably was the only person left to watch it!)

One of the reasons I hadn't made the effort to see it was because I'm sure everyone told me it was depressing..I don't like watching films if I know I'm going to cry unless it's worth it...! But then Stacey starts assuring me that it's got a happy ending and stuff.

I phoned my mum after I finished watching it and let her know and she said "Oh my god, that's the most depressing film ever, as soon as it finished I told myself I'd never watch it again...!" I said "Yeah mum everyone said it was depressing but I didn't think it was cus it had a happy ending..!" she said "Yes..but the old man kills himself and it's horrible!" And I said "Aaaahh yeaahh..that is horrible and sad but then it gets happy again!"

So apart from poor old Mr Brooks who was a lovely man taking his life...it was good!

What a happy lovely old man!
I am glad I've seen it as I won't shock anyone that I meet. As usually when I meet someone and say that I do Film Studies the first question is "OOOH what's your favourite film?!" to which I say "I have too many to choose from so I don't really have a favourite." They get so shocked and then tell me their favourite, probably 6 times out of 10 they say Shawshank and then become even more shocked...some even appalled when I say I haven't seen it, I normally get told something like:
"Oh my god...you do Film Studies but you haven't seen Shawshank!?"

No I can say yes I have seen it, it's good but not one of my favourite films..! I should probably blog about my favourite films but I think it would take a while trying to figure it out!

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