Sunday, 1 May 2011

Back at Uni!

So yesterday I made the 5 hour train journey from Penzance to Cheltenham to get back to uni!
It was tiring but ok because I had my iPod and I caught up on about 2 hours worth of PlusOne podcasts which was really good but I had to contain my laughter to try and not look like a fool!

I had a tiny nap on the train but I didn't want to sleep properly in case I missed my stop!
Once I got back me and Stacey went shopping and then I went to work!

I only have about two weeks left at uni as I have an essay to hand in this week and an exam next week...scary! My essay is about the Hong Kong film industry and my exam is about Realism and Cognitive theories so if you have any hints or tips..please let me know!! I also have a couple more shifts at the racecourse and will need to get a summer job when I get home!

I have to pack up all of my stuff but I really can't be bothered which isn't good! And it's going to be a pain to get it all back home!

But now that I'm back at uni I should be able to watch films and get back to blogging about them (Well in between doing my essay and revising!) I also need to get back into working out everyday!

This  blog isn't very interesting but I need to crack on with my essay then do a workout then go and buy food as I have hardly anything here!

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