Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Toy Story 3 and The Disappearance Of Alice Creed

On Sunday night I finally caught up with the rest of the world and watched Toy Story 3 with my sister! She'd seen it lots of times already and as she is only five she kept trying to tell me what was about to happen! For example *SPOILERS* - when you're first introduced to the toys in Sunnyside Estie said "Pops...those toys are all really bad" which was annoying as that is supposed to be a surprise as they all seem nice at first! She also said stuff like "Don't worry Pops, they don't fall in the fire" or "Woody doesn't go to college with Andy!" so I had to try and ignore that but obviously it's a bit annoying!! So from now on I will try not to watch a film with my sister that she has already seen! I did really enjoy the film and thought that they made it seem quite epic especially when they're in the dump! I was also prepared to really cry as most of my friends - male and female - said that it was so very very sad and that they cried, usually I cry at anything but I only welled up a little bit surprisingly but it was sad but a happy ending as well! I have also heard on twitter that there may be a number 4 which would be cool as I like the character that Andy gave the toys to! So I did really enjoy the film and do recommend it as long as you've seen the other 2!

Last night I watched the British film The Disappearance of Alice Creed - here is the imdb page because I don't want to give anything away because it's such an amazing film with a really good story and only 3 characters shown on screen throughout the whole time and they still keep interest and it's amazing! -  so all I can say is WATCH IT!

I watched the film Piranha the other day which I was expecting to  be absolute crap but it was entertaining! Some parts were a bit jumpy but the CGI i so awful that it isn't scary - gorey yes but not scary! It was a very far fetched story but they kind of gave a kind of good enough reason for it all! There is also lots of half naked and naked girls but the characters are a bit annoying...if you want to have a bit of a laugh then I'd watch it and Doc from Back To The Future is in it which is cool and I will be watching the 2nd one just to see what it's like!

I should be going to see Harry Potter next Weds but I'm not so bothered to see it quickly as I've obviously read the book so will not be surprised by anything and I will also only read on twitter and facebook whether it's good or not which I like to make my own mind up anyway!

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