Sunday, 15 May 2011

First year of uni..done!

Yesterday my uncle came with his truck to collect me and my things from my university halls...I didn't realise I owned so much rubbish! Well...I say rubbish...I couldn't throw anything away! But it was a lot of stuff for one person!

I am currently staying at my Gran's at the moment which is cool because both of my uncles are here and I don't see them or my Gran often!
Last night we had Chinese take-away and then watched 2 films...the first was The was good but not what I was expecting and a bit random at times but it was enjoyable...not particularly scary but after watching Insidious...nothing is as scary as that! The Crazies also had an interesting ending which is always good!

When that finished we watched Harry Brown which I'd wanted to see for ages...we missed the first ten minutes but it was really good. Such a good story as, sadly those things are actually happening in England ... obviously not just in England but the representation of the Chavs were perfect as they really are horrible! It was really good and I love Micheal Caine but it is sad to see him getting older!

Today we are watching a Western as they are my Gran's favourites! This one is Gunsmoke and I do like it, I wish I could watch more Westerns but I never think of renting them so I need to start...but my Gran said that while I'm here she's going to educate me with the good ones!
In half an hour The Spy Who Loved Me is on and as it's my favourite of the James Bond films...we are going to watch it! =D

I should be back on track with blogging now as I don't have much to do now that uni is over and I need to get a job!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Pop's on completing your first year at uni! Glad you enjoyed it. Mow go get a job lol :)
