Saturday, 28 May 2011

Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff.

Yesterday I pre-ordered Sims 3 Generations from EA and got Outdoor Living stuff for free which I thought was cool.
I proceeded to download it ASAP... It's safe to say that I was disappointed..!
This was the first "Stuff" I'd got for Sims 3 but I'd got nearly all of them for Sims 2 and enjoyed them.
Outdoor Stuff has hardly anything! It has a few different hot-tubs and BBQs and some outdoor counters but it wasn't that great...Obviously I knew that there wouldn't be much choice as it tells you that it's Stuff for outside but still...I'm glad I didn't pay for it!

Also...I don't really know why I ordered Generations as there isn't really much on there that you can't already do...they just seem to have updated the stuff you could already do and made it slightly cooler...I say that they should bring out Pets and University for Sims3 - They were the best! Also, compared to World Adventures the other expansions for Sims3 just aren't as good!
I've also not played Sims Medieval since I played it the first time... It's not good!
It's a waste of money as well...woops!

So far the job hunting isn't going very well... I handed in an application to Pets at Home today so fingers crossed cus I'd love to work there!

Here's the trailer for Sims3 Generations if you haven't already seen it...
Don't be too excited though!!
When I get it I'll let you know what I think!

Friday, 20 May 2011

Recently I've....

Recently I've moved back to Devon from Uni and have been unpacking! 
I haven't watched any films or tv at all! I have finally finished Queen Of The Damned tho which was very very very very good, I strongly recommend the Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice) to anyone as although they are vampires (duh!) there isn't a huge focus on the killings - more on the characters themselves and it is really gripping! 
The next book I have lined up is Jilly Cooper's new novel - Jump! Bit of a genre difference...from Vampires to Horse-Riders! But I look forward to starting it as I have read the first three of the series and really enjoyed them.
This isn't a long blog as I am in the middle of watching High School Musical 2...I am back in Cornwall for the weekend as it's my sister's 5th birthday on Sunday! And sadly...I like HSM! :( hahaa!
Once I'm settled back at home I hope to blog regularly again (how many times have I said this now?!) but yeah that's it from me today...nothing interesting I'm afraid! Unless you do go out and read the Vampire Chronicles or sit down to watch High School Musical?? =D

Sunday, 15 May 2011

First year of uni..done!

Yesterday my uncle came with his truck to collect me and my things from my university halls...I didn't realise I owned so much rubbish! Well...I say rubbish...I couldn't throw anything away! But it was a lot of stuff for one person!

I am currently staying at my Gran's at the moment which is cool because both of my uncles are here and I don't see them or my Gran often!
Last night we had Chinese take-away and then watched 2 films...the first was The was good but not what I was expecting and a bit random at times but it was enjoyable...not particularly scary but after watching Insidious...nothing is as scary as that! The Crazies also had an interesting ending which is always good!

When that finished we watched Harry Brown which I'd wanted to see for ages...we missed the first ten minutes but it was really good. Such a good story as, sadly those things are actually happening in England ... obviously not just in England but the representation of the Chavs were perfect as they really are horrible! It was really good and I love Micheal Caine but it is sad to see him getting older!

Today we are watching a Western as they are my Gran's favourites! This one is Gunsmoke and I do like it, I wish I could watch more Westerns but I never think of renting them so I need to start...but my Gran said that while I'm here she's going to educate me with the good ones!
In half an hour The Spy Who Loved Me is on and as it's my favourite of the James Bond films...we are going to watch it! =D

I should be back on track with blogging now as I don't have much to do now that uni is over and I need to get a job!

Monday, 9 May 2011

At the moment..

At the moment, I am too pre-occupied to blog... I am busy revising for my exam which is on Wednesday...Busy reading Queen Of The Damned (Which is amazing and gripping and hard to put down!) And I've been shopping as well!

And today I have been distracted from revising by something else... S.I.R - the Smodcast Internet Radio! I love Kevin Smith and love the PlusOne podcasts so I was very excited to be able to listen to the launch of PlusOne Per Diem; the live, daily talkings of Kevin and his wife Jen - it was very good and highly entertaining! Go to to hear it!
I was worried that with the time difference, I wouldn't be able to listen to it live but it starts at 4pm which is cool! I would love to be able to phone in and talk to them but I reckon it would cost a tonne to phone from England! And I'd probably be too shy! 
I also want a Plus One t-shirt but I checked today and they don't have any in stock!

My revising is going ok but I do keep getting easily distracted...but I just want to pass - I'd love to do well but don't think I will! :/
Tonight on our campus we are having a party for "Earth Hour" where we will all turn our lights off and have a BBQ and music on our courtyard  which will be cool but again - it's another distraction from doing work!
So tomorrow I plan on spending ALL DAY revising!!! With some Queen of the Damned breaks in between! (I don't want to go mad!!! =D)

So I apologise for boring blogs but I do need to try and pass this exam!

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Stranger than Fiction

Last night, Stacey and me watched Stranger than Fiction...(I normally get the name wrong and call it the Science of Fiction..!)
It was really good and I already knew the story as we'd studied a bit of it in one of our lectures. I think I would of enjoyed it more if I didn't know why he was being narrated but it was still cool.
Although I did hate seeing Will Ferrell play a depressed character and I felt really sorry for him so I had to keep remembering Anchorman to make me happy!
I really enjoyed the dynamic between the characters of Harold (Ferrell) and Ana (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and also really liked the narrator (Emma Thompson) and the English professor (Dustin Hoffman).
SO basically all of the characters in the film are cool and interesting.
The story itself was really good but it was very sad! 
The film was also interrupted by a thunderstorm that Stacey and me watched for aaaaages!
But it was easy to pick back up from where we left it.

The ending was really good as I predicted that she'd change the ending but then it seemed as if she wasn't going to which shocked me loads but then she did! So although I did predict didn't happen in an obvious way so I wasn't disappointed at all!

It's definitely worth watching for the cool effects and it is a good but sad film! I found it sad in the way that I find Funny People sad...I have to make Stacey watch that next!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Insidious...Potential Spoilers..!

Last night, me and a few uni friends watched the film Insidious.. (POTENTIAL SPOILERS!)
We were all obviously expecting to be scared but not half as much as we actually were!

I enjoy horrors; especially ghost ones but have never really been properly, properly scared for example - I have never screamed at a film (I'm not a big screamer..!)

Well basically last night I screamed about 4 times!
The film starts in with the spooky stuff within about 15 minutes...just subtle stuff then it starts to get freaky and not only is it freaky but it's all of the time - the film only gives you a few minutes to chill before the next thing happens - which is great but your heart is racing the whole time!

I thought that the story itself was really good as for me, it's always worse when children are involved! Also each of the ghosty things that were haunting the boy were really good and really scary especially "Fire Face" man and the Black haired man...he was the first one to make us scream!
What I really liked about the film is that instead of the ghosts being CGI or floaty or anything; it was more believable because they were actors in make-up and therefor were actually there and also they could grab the characters which was horrible! They weren't like transparent and could float through stuff! They would also turn up at any point...the music didn't lead you to it...all of a sudden they'd just be there!

Another good thing is that it's not like most other horrors where the scary stuff only happens at night..the film has you on edge with your blanket covering all but the corner of one eye (yes that was me!) for the whole time! Scary stuff happened in both day and night!

This is Fire Face....HORRIBLE!
The only bad thing was is that I predicted the end but other than that I thought it was great and definitely the scariest film I have ever seen! I'm so glad I didn't go to the cinema to watch it as that would have been embarrassing with all the screaming and we were all very sweaty and I was a bit of a loser when I got back to my room - I was very scared to be alone! Luckily tho I didn't have nightmares!
I don't know if I'd be able to watch it again but if you like horrors I highly recommend it! 

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Back at Uni!

So yesterday I made the 5 hour train journey from Penzance to Cheltenham to get back to uni!
It was tiring but ok because I had my iPod and I caught up on about 2 hours worth of PlusOne podcasts which was really good but I had to contain my laughter to try and not look like a fool!

I had a tiny nap on the train but I didn't want to sleep properly in case I missed my stop!
Once I got back me and Stacey went shopping and then I went to work!

I only have about two weeks left at uni as I have an essay to hand in this week and an exam next week...scary! My essay is about the Hong Kong film industry and my exam is about Realism and Cognitive theories so if you have any hints or tips..please let me know!! I also have a couple more shifts at the racecourse and will need to get a summer job when I get home!

I have to pack up all of my stuff but I really can't be bothered which isn't good! And it's going to be a pain to get it all back home!

But now that I'm back at uni I should be able to watch films and get back to blogging about them (Well in between doing my essay and revising!) I also need to get back into working out everyday!

This  blog isn't very interesting but I need to crack on with my essay then do a workout then go and buy food as I have hardly anything here!