Friday, 7 October 2011

Red State, Straw Dogs and more!

So I haven't blogged for an embarrassingly long time! :/ The worst thing is, there isn't even a real reason for it - I think I just got out of the swing of things! But I'm back now and I've watched loads of films :)

We went to the cinema to see Red State on Monday! Know if you've read my previous blogs you may have picked up on the fact that I love Kevin Smith! I also love horrors so I was very excited when I heard ages ago that he was going to make a horror! I was also very intrigued with the subject of the film as I think that the Westboro Church are crazy! And I don't think that that should offend anyone as most people agree! I loved following Smith's journey with Red State with distributing it himself as I think it's great that he wants to help smaller filmmakers see how they can realise their dreams. Now to the film...I won't say too much about the plot as I don't want to ruin it but I loved it! Now most people aren't surprised that I loved it as I love Smith but I didn't have high expectations because, obviously - it's a completely different style to what he normally does but I did really enjoy it and thought he did it very well! My friend Stacey liked it but she thought that he could of done better! But each to their own! I loved all of the action and was shocked by a lot of the little twists throughout and also absolutely loved the comedic elements Smith put in - they just reminded us that it was his film :) I very much recommend it to anyone who enjoys a horror and a bit of gore! GO SEE IT! 

We just finished watching the original Straw Dogs, it was cool because in the cinema on Monday we saw the trailer for the new re-make and I already had the original on my LoveFilm list and it arrived today! I loved it! I loved Dustin Hoffman and loved that it was filmed down the road from where my mum lives now! I also thought the story was very interesting although I don't want to read the book as books are always more brutal than the film for me as my head really takes everything and makes it loads worse! I do totally understand why the BBFC banned Straw Dogs in the UK as the rape scene is very weird... similar to Evil Dead if you've seen that! I will watch the new one as I'd like to see how they do it - from the trailer it seemed as if they kept it pretty close but we'll see!

We also watched The Next Three Days which was weird - we had to turn it off after an hour and a half because we were both falling asleep and then put it on today after a few days and watched the rest...The first part was so boring and strange but then the second half was good - basically they should of hired a better Editor! The only thing I definitely enjoyed was that Elizabeth Banks was playing a suspected murderer - I was so used to seeing her as Granny Panties in Zac and Miri or other funny roles but she did it so well!
I also want to see Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark although the trailer scared us enough! I hate things where a child is in danger!! So I'll wait for it to come to DVD so that I don't embarrass myself! 

I've watched loads of films over the summer but this blog would take forever if I spoke about them all! So I'll just give a quick list of ones I enjoyed -
Source Code
Right at your Door
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2!
Friends With Benefits
Bad Teacher
and more!!

Oh...I have a Tumblr now...Follow me if you like but I'm still getting the hang of it so don't judge :P